Before I met Phil Kaplan, I was a personal trainer. Now I'm a personal trainer on a platform with other respected professionals, revered as experts in our fields. Phil has been relentless in his quest to raise the bar in the fitness industry, paving the way for over 25 years. His commitment to this industry is unmatched
I've seen Phil go to great lengths to preserve his integrity while educating trainers as to their value, and since meeting him I've had more speaking engagements and media opportunities, quadrupled my income, and learned to say "no." I enjoy my life more and have learned countless business and life lessons from Phil, for whom I'll be forever grateful.
When I first became aware of Phil Kaplan and the Be Better Project, I was a fitness industry veteran making a decent living. I was also bored out of my mind. I felt I had hit a plateau, and the industry had no more to offer in the way of career growth or personal growth.
Since starting this incredible journey with Be Better, I shudder to think that I might have left the business prematurely. Now, literally every day, I think "I can't believe how much fun I'm having... and getting paid for it!" In the five years that I've worked with Phil, I've opened a studio that has grown from one trainer (me) to seven trainers and a support staff. I've been named "Best Personal Trainer" five times in local print media. My career now includes business travel, and I'm a frequent guest on radio and TV, and often featured in print. Phil taught me the value of separating myself from my business, and of creating profit centers apart from personal training.
Now exposed to Phil Kaplan's ideas, methods and systematic approach, it feels like we have an unfair advantage over the rest of the industry (we do) and that "other" trainers aren't even in the same field as the fitness professionals of the Be Better Project.
Thank you Phil for showing me how to make life successful, profitable and above all FUN!
Phil Kaplan went beyond teaching me how to make more money-he taught me how to get more out of life. More time, passion, drive, love, vision… just plain more. When I met Phil, my job at a health club had turned into a chore and something I dreaded.
Phil changed the impossible into the possible. With his guidance, I changed the way I think, opened up a small studio in my home, and spent more time with my family. He opened up possibilities I never knew existed. When I look back, working with Phil was a defining moment in my life. It changed everything for the better-not just for me, but also for my family and my clients.
He's been called The Father of Personal Training, The Master of Body Transformation and America's Most In-Demand Fitness Professional. But what truly defines Phil Kaplan is his undying defense of the Fitness Truth, unwavering support of Personal Trainers, and undeniable passion for helping people improve their lives.
From Humble Beginnings to Worldwide Respect
In the late 1970s, a young, enthusiastic Phil Kaplan began his fitness career as a part-time instructor at the Jack La Lanne Health Spa in New York—for $4.25 an hour. But Phil's willingness to learn and desire to improve allowed him to quickly rise through the ranks. With hard work and determination, he eventually became the National Director for one of the largest health club chains in the world. Never one to rest on success, and eager to personally help even more people, Phil resigned from that job to open his own personal training business. He continued his professional development and evolved into a role model for Personal Trainers, and one of the most sought-after fitness leaders in the world.
The Fitness Truth
For over 20 years, Phil has been an advocate for the fitness truth… a philosophy steeped in honesty, accountability and integrity. A true watchdog for the fitness industry, he's gone up against pharmaceutical and supplement companies, weight loss experts, physicians, fat loss products, infomercials, diet drugs and anyone making false claims regarding fitness and nutrition. Through all the well-publicized battles he's fought as champion of the fitness truth, he's gone to extreme lengths to protect his most valued attribute: his integrity.
During the course of his many personal fitness training services, his Mind & Muscle Fitness Hour radio show, his television appearances, and his groundbreaking seminars, Phil has often exposed fraud and deception, going after anyone spreading fitness falsehoods, no matter their title or station. Touring North America in 1996 promoting his TRANSFORM! program, he boldly offered all of his services with an unconditional money-back guarantee. When asked about the guarantee in a television interview, Phil said, “I encourage people to be skeptical, I beg them to be apprehensive. I don't want their blind trust, I simply want them to recognize that their past failures were the result of flawed information, and if I can provide them clarity, they'll gain control… once and for all.”
To this day, all of Phil Kaplan's programs and offerings are backed by an unconditional money-back guarantee of satisfaction.
Passion and Credibility
Phil's unlimited energy and passion for the personal training industry have led him to be a guest on over 1,000 TV and radio shows. He's had over 500 articles published in periodicals and magazines including Muscle & Fitness, Flex, Weight Loss Surgery (WLS Lifestyles), and Personal Fitness Professional, a publication which honored Phil with its first-ever Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007.
Conducting seminars in approximately 26 cities each year, Phil's appearances have touched over 200,000 lives, and he speaks regularly in his home region of South Florida. His Breakthroughs seminar has attracted well over 50,000 people. He's authored many visionary books and programs, including Transform, The Best You've Ever Been, EAT! Supportive Nutrition For The Body You Love, The Vault, R.E.S.C.U.E., The Answer, Ultimate Fat Loss, the 21-Day Journey to Excellence, and his highly regarded book for the fitness trade, Personal Training Profits and a Secure Fitness Future.
After two decades as a fitness leader with an army of loyal, long-term students, and after receiving myriad accolades and awards for success, integrity, and empowerment, it's safe to say that Phil Kaplan has stood the test of time. Yet in his words, "you haven't seen anything yet!"
The Personal Trainer for Personal Trainers
Phil is now recognized by the icons and legends of the fitness industry as the empowering resource for fitness truth, and there are legions of devotees following in his footsteps. Thousands of personal trainers have improved their careers thanks to Phil, and he never stops raising the bar for fitness pros, establishing new standards for professionalism and insisting that Trainers be placed on a pedestal previously reserved for medical professionals.
Throughout his career he's been driven by passion, by a dedication to helping others, and his track record in guiding Personal Trainers to achieve their desired results remains unmatched. His files are filled with expressions of gratitude from people all over the world, from every walk of life, who found Phil's truth to be inspiring, motivating, and empowering. He continues working tirelessly to help fitness professionals better their lives by bettering the lives and bodies of others.